
Can children with ADD/ADHD be treated and healed using past life regression therapy?

Could children with ADD and ADHD be treated using past life regression therapy?
Nightmares and acting out at school

In October of 2002 I received a call from a frantic mother. Her son (we will call Joe), six years old, had been having nightmares every night for the past few months. She said it was the same nightmare, about the same thing each time. He would dream of a war, describing the gunfire and helicopters with missiles on the sides. He would wake up screaming in fear.
The mother also explained her concerns about her son’s school behavior. The teacher told her that whenever he was on line he would push the child behind him, always turning around or getting out of line when told to stay in line. Also in circle activities he would not stay seated but go to one side of the room and hide. The teacher felt his behavior was probably a form of ADHD and they wanted to test him to see.

The mother was baffled and horrified since this was so out of character for his behavior at home.
The teacher explained to her that many times children act differently in different environments.
The mother was feeling powerless since the school insisted on testing. She came to me to see if I could help stop the nightmares and see if he had ADHD.

I received additional information about their family life, his birth and childhood illnesses. Nothing seemed unusual that would have baring on either the nightmares or acting out in school. Joe’s mother told me the only shows she allows Joe to watch on T.V. are Barney or Disney cartoons. She had no idea where he would have seen war guns or helicopters.


Since Joe was only six we decided to have him go into trance by drawing. His mother told me that he loved to draw and children usually slide into trance easily with this method. I asked Joe if he could draw a picture of the dream he has about the war. He said, sure, and drew an amazing drawing for his age. He drew a picture of soldiers in a trench on one side of the paper, shooting, and soldiers lying dead on the ground. On the other side of the paper, he drew another trench with soldiers shooting back. In the air he drew a helicopter with missiles on the sides. I was so surprised to see how detailed and sophisticated the drawing was. 
I asked him who are these soldiers in this trench (left side of paper)? He responded, “Oh, that’s the Chinese.” Again surprised, I said,”Oh, well who are the soldiers in this trench (right side of paper)? He said, “Oh, that is the Russians.” Again surprised at his knowing the Chinese and Russian Cultures, I asked his mother if she knew he knew of them. She said she didn’t unless he learned this at school. Later we found out they never discussed these cultures in Kindergarten or in first grade.

I asked Joe was he there in the picture? He said “ Yep!” He pointed to the Chinese and said, “ I am in there.” I asked him if he died there? He said, “ No, I went home.” I asked him where his home was and he turned over the paper to draw another picture. He drew a beautiful picture of a pagoda-looking house, two stick figures he claimed were his parents, and a small bridge over a stream, and another stick figure he said was he. He told me he lived in that house and that those were his parents. He went home to live there after the war. It was very peaceful. I asked if he died there and he said no. He then proceeded to turn the page to show me where he died. This time he drew a cemetery with tombstones and rain falling. He pointed to one of the tombstones and said that’s where he died. I asked how did he die and he said, “ A man shot him in the back.” I asked if he knew the man, and he said no. I told him he didn’t have to worry here since no one would shoot him in the back here. I told him it was just a dream and it is over now. I also told him he didn’t need to have the dream any more since we were able to draw it and talk about it.

Joe and his mother left with promises to report any changes in his dreaming. We agreed to approach the school behavior in the next session. It was enough for one afternoon. After observing Joe in our session, I was surprised to hear about his school behavior as well. He was a sweet, kind, respectful little boy, who seemed to delight in life. I was curious what the trigger was in school.


Two weeks later, Joe’s mother called all excited. Joe did not have one dream about the war. The nightmares were over. She was most excited that Joe’s teacher called asking what she did at home since Joe was behaving much better at school. He was now able to stand on line without pushing the child behind him or getting out of line and he remained in the circle activities. As we talked I realized that Joe’s acting out to those BEHIND him was a result of being shot in the back. Joe was afraid to have his back turned with someone behind him or he could get shot again. This was not conscious behavior but cellular memory being triggered by the circumstance. During the circle activities he would go to the other side of the room and hide. Being in a group situation triggered Joe’s cellular memory about being in a group fighting the enemy. He retreated to a trench like safe place in the classroom and hid. Now he did not have a need to hide any longer since the story was complete. After the regression the trauma was released with the negative emotions, so Joe could behave normally to these situations. Also, due to this release the dreams were brought to consciousness and therefore no longer manifested subconsciously. Joe was his old self once again and no testing was necessary for ADHD.

We, as a society have been too quick to assess the behavior of our children when behavior issues present themselves. Medication is offered too readily to treat these problems. Not every child with behavior problems fall into the category of ADD or ADHD. Statistics show that 3 to 5 % of the nations population are diagnosed with these syndromes. We need to take a harder look at these children and perhaps go to the root of the behavior under hypnosis, to determine if the behavior is even related to this lifetime.

© 2013, Past Life Regression & Hypnosis

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