Saundra C. Blum


In private practice since 1989, Saundra C. Blum is a certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist.  Her formal education consists of a Masters of Science degree in Special Education and Counseling and a Bachelors of Science degree in English and Education.

Saundra C.  Blum was on the Advisory Board for Western Connecticut State University’s Institute for Holistic Health. She taught a certification course in the fall of 2014 for Past Life Regression Therapy at the University.

From 1998 to 2019, she co-founded the Katonah Study Group for Integrative Medicine with well-known psychiatrist and author Dr. Mark Banschick.  Approximately 400 members have gathered to explore the most current modalities and techniques in integrative medicine, Allopathically and Holistically as well as other, more esoteric fields.

From 2007-2009, Blum was on the Board of Directors of the International Association for Research and Regression Therapy (“IARRT”), which was her Past Life professional organization and helped put together many conferences in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Virginia.  She was also a group leader for IARRT holding monthly experiential workshops and trainings in addition to managing her private practice that was in Somers, NY. at the time. Between her workshops and private practice, Ms. Blum has seen more than 8,000 clients over the past 35 years.

Ms. Blum has participated in advanced workshops and seminars with top Regressionists such as Brian Weiss, Roger Wolger, Edith Fiore, Winifred Lucas and Joseph Casta.  She has lectured to a plethora of colleagues in the mental health field and medical community.  She also trains and certifies Past Life Regressionists in northern Westchester County, NY , Moorpark, Ca. as well as internationally in mind-body-spirit-centered cultures such as India and Italy.

Due to her international reputation, Ms. Blum has been sought out to help organize and coordinate a number of conferences and workshops including two New York IARRT conferences, a conference workshop for the Edgar Casey Institute in Virginia Beach and Sturbridge, Massachusetts.  In addition, she has created, organized and presented a new International Integrative Medicine Model for practitioners in Tuscany, Italy (2010).

Ms. Blum has given a number of media interviews including Fox 5 National News and local cable station shows such as White Plains, NY based Beyond the Realm. She has also been interviewed by many local newspapers and magazines. 

Ms. Blum now lives in Moorpark, California with her husband, Michael.  They have two grown children, Jordan and Briana, and two grandchildren, Sawyer and Hudson.

Ms. Blum ‘s first book, Footsteps through the Sands of Time – Past Life Dramas, Present Life Lessons, was published in NOVEMBER, 2013. It is a compilation of her clients stories, their lessons, and their healing using this deep and sacred work.

Ms. Blum’s second book, The Gift – Synchronicity Through Divine Intervention, is scheduled to be released in the near future.  The book shares a life-changing journey that she and a client took to factually validate the client’s past life experiences from the 1920’s.

Ms. Blum has also just completed her 3rd book, We're Back! The Bible Stories Through the Eyes of Past life Regression. Saundra had the characters of the Bible showing up in her office from 1998 to the present time, offering new and different stories, and messages we need for right now. We must remember who we were.


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