
" I had thought originally that past life regression was an experimental tool of research, interesting but of no clear value. Then from learning about Cindy’s work I realized that she had harnessed this area of science as a form of healing. I am reading a copy of her soon to be released book and finding it as fascinating as this short excerpt. I thank her for being willing to share her book with me.

Having training in hypnosis myself, I realized how her work has greatly expanded the boundaries of this healing art and how much credit she deserve for her compassionate pursuit of truth and healing in an era of where medical treatment is being reduced to drugging those with pain and suffering. We put them in "chemical jails" because Western Medicine is being reduced to a drug culture that has forgotten our connection with a perfect creator who gave us a mind and its associated challenges." Dr.Joe - ODBSV

"I brought my 11 year-old daughter to see Cindy in the hopes that her past life regression work would help my daughter who struggled academically. Before seeing Cindy, I tried everything I could think of to help my daughter.  I tried energy healing, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, and was going to have her tested for a learning disability with a psychologist when I decided to try Cindy first.  Since first grade, my daughter struggled with reading and was a C average student at best.  Even with all her hard work, and the thousands of dollars in tutors for the last six years, she had never passed any of her mid-terms or finals since she began taking them in third grade.  After only one session with Cindy, I saw a huge transformation in my daughter!  Homework no longer took hours to complete and she began to bring home high 80s and 90s on her quizzes and tests.  I saw a boost in her confidence level as well.  My daughter told me that she "felt different now" when taking tests. But the real victory was when she brought her last quarter report card home in June which listed her final exam grades.  Not only did she pass all of them, they were high 80s and 90s! The cellular memories from her past life that were blocking her were cleared!  She is a completely different student. We couldn't be happier and it couldn't have come at a better time.  Now that we are applying for high schools this year, my daughter is confident she will have the grades to get into her first choice school. This wasn't even a thought a few months ago! My only regret is not taking my daughter to Cindy earlier. "

 I highly recommend anyone who feels "stuck"  or is struggling to live their best life to contact Cindy.  It will truly be life changing!"
 Tina A - Cortlandt Manor, NY

"Past life regression made a remarkable difference in my life. I became certified and studied under my mentor, Saundra C. Blum, MS, CH.T, PLRT, and amazing, wonderful woman who went above and beyond to help me heal. Had it not been for her sincere devotion, I would not be here today to share with you, that which I feel I was brought into this lifetime to do, spread hope and help heal, and more importantly, to be able to watch and take part in the lives of my three wonderful sons!" Yvonne - CHT, PLR, Psychic Medium.

"Saundra thank you so much for the difference you have made in my life. I suffered from depression my whole life, trying everything from drugs,therapists, and a slew of other modalities. I am happy to report that my depression is finally gone due to the wonderful work we have done together.  I am feeling truely happy and evolved for the first time in my life. This work has also helped my marriage in the understanding of why we have come back together. Thank you, you are my earth angel." Ericka - RN

"Saundra, I don't know what magic you used but I no longer bite my nails! Can Hypnosis really work that fast?" - Emily- Mom

"Cindy you are such a warm and compassionate healer. Your work is deep, and sacred. I feel so honored to have experience such a healing using this amazing work. Why don't more people know about you?" Dr. Sam - PhD


"I was in your past life regression group last night and I wanted to tell you how MUCH I loved it. I feel so much lighter! Lately I have been lost and confused with an overall heaviness in my heart/soul. I feel so much better! I know I need more work with you and will contact you soon. I really just wanted to thank you - you have changed my life and I'm looking forward to our one on ones in the near future!" Andrea


 "Also I have meant to write to you so many times. It is amazing that after those sessions with you I have not had a migraine since. Also it really changed my life. I was stuck in such a bad place and it really helped get me back to such a better place and I have not gone back there. You are awesome. Thank you so much." Phyllis


"Hey Cindy! I hope all is well! I just wanted to let you know that last Thursday I had a show and I sang, and even played my original music! This wouldn't have been possible without the sessions that we had and the training as it really opened my eyes to certain things. When you gave me that dress and when I tried it on I told myself I would wear it whenever I would find the courage to actually sing and play my own music on stage. I thought it would be like two to three years into the future, not eight months. It just meant a lot to me and I felt I should share this with you. Thank you so much for everything that you do. Much love." Ebony


"Hi Cindy. I am stunned at the deep and rapid healing that took place today. I feel so much lighter and I can't believe my headaches are gone. Does this stay forever? I wouldn't know life without them but do feel like they won't come back since I know now where they came from. I loved the release work and I truly feel like a new person. I can't thank you enough!" Paulette


" I am so happy I brought my son and daughter to you. My son's ADHD is basically gone! After his session with you he no longer feels the need to move so much in class and has an amazing peace or calm about him!! His teacher wanted to know what I did so I gave her your name. My daughter has also more self confidence now. She saw how amazing she was in her past life and it gave her the courage to believe in herself that she still has that soul. You do wonderful work and it is so nice they can grow up to be more whole adults. You should work with all children to catch whats wrong before it grows into adulthood. I hope my sons teacher contacts you! A big thanks!" Carolyn


"Cindy you have made my son very happy. His diagnosis of schitzophenia made us feel hopeless. Sam has made so much progress with you and loves coming to you. He no longer hears voices, his paranoia is minimal, and his fears of death and dying has ceased. I am now hopeful again that he can have a more full life. He thinks you"re the best and he is right. You are so loveing and compassionate not to mention patient. We all feel it and are in deep gratitude for you and your services." Mini

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